Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We ate out again last night. Seems like an addictive trend in the family. Go out one night, like the company and companionship and make excuses to do it more. Outback steakhouse last night (we had a gift card to use up). I was so good! I did have a small slice of that little pumpernickel roll they bring out, and even a tiny section of awesome blossom to taste (and not appear to be snubbing everything in favor of the potato I would order.) I had the 6oz special steak (2 proteins, yay), a baked potato, and veggies. I couldn't finish it! Granted, I did eat lunch too late and I went straight from lunch to dinner, maybe I really needed that extra time to digest. So I am still very proud of maintaining the diet despite the temptation around me.

It's amazing the amount of soda I saw being drunk. I hear its bad for you, and I love soda, but I've been converted to diet. I am not a big drinker at all in general- one glass lasts my whole meal, and I've made it a point to order water anyway. But man! Knowing how many calories are in them, I can see why just cutting out soda has been reported to help people lose weight.

I'm hurt today, and not in the good Tony Horton way.
I did NOT finish chest and back. We got to heavy pants and I did those. Then we started lawnmowers, and my lawnmower cable snapped! My band had had a small tear in it that I'd forgotten about since last week- I had been very worried about it then. Well, at the top of a lawnmower pull, it snapped and made a horrible loud noise, and suddenly my hand was in major pain. It dulled quickly and just as quickly I had a large vivid purple/blue lump on my index finger on the middle knuckle(joint?). Hubby immediately looked at it and got me ice water to dip it in. It already stopped hurting at that point and I figured it was just a bruise. He was worried it might be a bone bruise, and something about liquid between the joint, and doing pullups might stretch that out and hurt it more. He's been injured and seen way more injuries than me, so we stopped. I soaked it for a bit until it looked nearly normal, and I did do ab-ripper. This morning it has a more normal bruise blue/gray and the slight extra poof in the middle is pinker than regular. But it only hurts if I bend it a lot, like to make a fist. I have to go get a new band!

I feel light our chin-up bar is really working. While doing it I feel like the angle is too odd to work, or that the shoulders and arm muscles are way is being worked (they seem to be what's getting too shaky to keep pulling up, anyway) but this morning I felt it back near my shoulder blades. We have a $7 clearance pull-up bar from gold's gym. It has hexagons at either end and you mount the brackets with five screws into the door facing. When the bar is not there, you don't even notice them. It is rated up to 400 lbs I think? enough for Hubby's 300, which was the major concern. It even has four mounting brackets, supposedly for you to mount the bar just off the floor to stick your feet under for sit-ups, but with ab-ripper, we don't need no stinkin' sissy bar! right now we have the bar mounted about hip-high on me, and we lay under it like a zig-zagged table, and pull up from there.

My equilibrium was shot last night too- kept getting dizzy for no reason. And I'm pretty sure it was only ear imbalances because I had plenty of food, even though I didn't have a snack. Just interesting to note.
I don't see any major ground-breaking body changes, and my scale has me fluctuating just like always. It is cool that one dip was all the way down to 120 in my workout clothes, but that's all. I'll trust that the pictures will show me something for all this work.

I am THIS close to finishing the ornery couch cover. So close I was considering the best way to clean the couch before I put it on. Vaccum and Febreeze it? Grunt has made hair-oil skid marks on one side and I wasn't sure how to deal with that. He may very well be getting a bath today, since the weather warmed. But then, catastrophe! I have run out of upholstery thread. In hindsight, I could have been overcasting the seams in a weaker thread probably.... But I had three used spools of it, and now all three are done. I still need to do the cushions. BUT, going out, perhaps I could get black zippers to go down the back. That would really be the best way to close it up. I was also trying to figure out ways to keep the sag out under the cushions. Velcro in the back? Small ties? Hmmm. Maybe Buttons.

Also, I hate myself. I was being SO careful when cutting not to nick the rest of the fabric. You know an unstuffed couch gets pretty voluminous. But I nicked it! A tiny V right in the front. I was so sad. I have nothing extra to replace that long piece with, and a patch would be obvious. I improvised so far with interfacing the wrong side. I was thinking maybe fabric glue on the front would keep it from raveling? I'll have to get some, but I plan to ask grandma first.

Now I have to tackle all these eggs I just made for breakfast.

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