Friday, November 2, 2012


I didn't post this at the time, but Longmont has actually had two separate snowfalls already. Both were before Halloween. No pictures of adorable pumpkins with snow hats this year, but here are some of the gorgeous scenes that you missed. Included are some autumn photos that I think are especially pretty or cute, so sorry for repeats. Posted in chronological order.

From Zoomie's parking space in the breezeway.

View of a garden at school from the bus door.

Not a bad photo from inside the bus, hmm? White mountains!


We tested my rain cape well.

Second snowfall, a bit thicker this time. Happened two days. 
View from the breezeway parking spot again.

Along the Greenway.

Texture :)

This picture doesn't rightly convey the awesomeness of this colorful willowy tree dusted with snow :(


Slippery bridges.


Making the first tracks is something special. Other bridges had been crossed already, but this one was mine.

The adorable sculpture outside the library.

Doesn't this look so cool? Like a jigsaw puzzle.

And finally, pictures from what is likely my last commute home in daylight. The sunset was gorgeous.

Happy Friday!